Even nicer is the fact that 4 of our families live within range of a day trip.
The summer after we came home, we started the tradition of getting together for an annual 'China Reunion'.
Last Sat, was our 3rd one.
It's such a blessing to get together and catch up.
To see how the kids have grown and changed and are developing.
Some families have since gone back to China and increased in numbers - so we get to meet new faces as well.
Food was great.
The kids played on the swingset and the trampoline.
They played with a various assortment of other toys.
Kids and grown-ups alike played a fun, non-competitive game of volleyball.
This year seemed to be especially good, in that all the kids played together really well.
Austin didn't get to go of course - he's already at school.
David didn't make it again this year either.
Back when the date was originally set, he was fine. BUT,... he had to switch his on-call schedule around because I went to New York City 2 weeks ago. SO,... it was my fault, he was on-call and didn't get to go (as he has so often reminded me the last few days).
My mom went with me in his place. It was nice for her to finally be able to put faces with the names she's heard so much about the last 3 years.
Our beautiful '2008 China Dolls' this year.
Look at how they've grown!
Our thanks go out to our wonderful hosts - Susan and Thad.
We had a great time and can't wait for the next one.
So glad you made it. David was definitely missed, but it was nice to meet your mom. The kids have been bugging me since you all pulled out of the drive that we need to do this MORE than once a year :) Great pics - I especially like the one that shows the girls over the years & how they've grown...unbelievable!
Wow. Glad y'all had fun. I can't believe how your girls have grown.
Sorry we couldn't make it b/c we didn't know about it.
Do you ever hear from any of the other people with whom we traveled?
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