I just found out that the CCAA issued referrals for log-in dates of Nov 6, 2006.
Why is this significant?
Well, our Dossier was logged into China on Nov 6, 2006.
Way back then, the wait from log-in to referral was 10-12 months.
But many things changed and that wait began to grow and grow and grow.
Let me explain some basics.
10-12 months was the wait time for a "perfect" healthy baby.
China has the 'healthy' list and then they have the 'waiting child' list.
A 'waiting child' is one that may have something 'wrong' with them.
It could be something so very minor - like a birthmark, or it could be something a little more serious - like missing limbs.
Children are often also put on the 'waiting child' list because they're 3 or 4 years old or older - most people want babies. Their only 'problem' could be that they're not a baby.
Our agency, America World, is a Christian agency and one that works with China in placing these 'special' children.
On the 'healthy' list, your name moves methodically along until you get to the top. At that point, China matches your name with your child.
If someone opts into the 'waiting child' list, then you fill out a (another) form.
This form is about various needs that you feel your family is open to and would be equipped for.
That form is submitted to your agency only - not to China.
When China releases a new list of 'waiting children' to the agency, the agency checks to see if they think any of the children on that list would be a good match for your family.
If they find one they think will fit into your family, they call you.
If that's YOUR child, then the agency contacts China.
China pulls your paperwork out of the massive stack of people waiting for a 'healthy' baby.
Now, you can start the next step on your journey to your new family - traveling to get her.
As the time started to lengthen, we decided we didn't want to wait and wait and wait.
As realistic parents of 2 biological boys, we already knew that NO child is ever PERFECT.
(We also knew that we weren't getting any younger.)
After about a year on the 'regular' list, we decided (okay, felt led) to go with the 'waiting child' list.
David and I discussed it and filled out the form.
We tried to be logical about it.
For instance, we don't have eye insurance, so we marked 'no' on vision problems. We have good dental insurance, so we marked 'yes' on things like that.
Anyway, once we were done, we took our list to the boys and discussed it with them.
Made a few tweaks here and there, and submitted it.
It wasn't long at all until we had our LEILA.
She was on the list because of cleft lip / palate.
Her lip was already fixed when we got her - due, I believe to the generous organization called Smile Train.
We had her palate fixed after coming home.
Totally fixable 'problem'. Not a problem. Perfect in fact.
We've never once regretted that.
It's been 5 years now since we got 'OUR call'.
5 years that we've had and loved our perfect healthy baby rather than sitting around waiting for her.
IF, we were to ever go back and do this again - we would go 'waiting child' immediately.
We wouldn't even fool with the other.
But back to today.
IF we had waited it out - we would have gotten 'our call' today.
I'm sure we would have been over the moon thrilled.
But we have missed the last 5 years.