It was a beautiful day today. We decided to take advantage of the weather and take the boat out. It was the first time out for the season and Leila's first time out ever. She liked it, but we weren't surprised. She's a little daredevil anyway. She had a great time until she started getting tired and hungry. She actually fell asleep on the way back in. Just wait till we put her on the tube...
Another thing - my living room is now painted! I have put it off for years (and it has needed it badly). One reason is that I simply hate to paint. But the biggest reason, is that I just wasn't sure how to reach the part over the stairs. We replaced the banister this year. So I had paint all the molding and the new banister. I couldn't put off the walls any longer. It's all done now though! And I must say - it looks pretty good.